Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So today I woke up on Ruegamer's futon. I was coughing up for about an hour before I decided to go back home. That last cough was enough to get all the nasty stuff out. I hate my life because of all the mucus in my system. I shouldn't have gone to the track on Wednesday night.... and then go sledding the morning after :P

I ate a bunch of bagels this morning.... Idk the validity of those bagels because I bought them a long time ago. Unlike loaves of bread, there hasn't been any signs of molding. I thought I got sick from them because I was tired and went to lie down for about 2 hours. I just laid there... I didn't actually sleep. I was gonna go to the mall, but It was a bit late in the afternoon. I went to the commissary and got some food, then I went to the PX to get some pizza but there was no one there, so i got a quesadilla instead at taco bell;

I chatted with Lenlen for a little bit and then went to church. I went to Monty's like I normally do on Sunday nights. Tonight there was a small group of people. Rob and Karen are going to Switzerland all week and they were gonna leave at 4 in the morning the on Monday.

I ordered some fetuccini w/ mushrooms, and the italian version of a crispy pata which was actually pretty delicious and plenty for me. I also got a 1/2 liter of wine.... I start missing wine when I'm at restaurants for some reason... I just like the taste of it. I drank almost to the bottom of that liter of wine. I went home a little drunk that night.

Random stuff, my neighbor, Matt Reeves showed me and a couple other people his pictures from modeling in Italy 12 years ago. They were really good pics on the cover of the magazine: L'uomo Drink. 

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