Saturday, February 19, 2011


This next blog follows the events after 9am from when the last blog ended. Alright, so every CQ shift, I sleep for about 5 hours once I get off. before I went to sleep though, I had to push aside the pieces to the busted frame of our door. I woke up to see my platoon sergeant and my squad leader and the person who broke our door outside of our room being interrogated by the MP's. My roommate tried to put a work in from DPW to fix our door. But they wouldn't do it without a police report done first. That's why all those people were out there. I had to watch a good man(the one who busted our door) be put in hand cuffs and taken away to the MP station. My roommate went there as well to have written statements done. Afterwards our door was fixed, which was a relief. The rest of the night I just took it easy. I played the guitar for a little bit. Afterwards, I left for the usual Friday Hospitality House meeting.

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