Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today is the last day of the 4 day weekend. I woke up about 8 am. I tried to get breakfast at the cafeteria. However, they were still closed due to the fact that they were running on weekend schedule which consists of brunch and dinner. it was 8:30, they won't open for another hour. So, I heated a hot pocket instead. My roommate's hung over from last night, so i'm trying not to make too much noise.

I was going to do a bit of studying, but I got distracted with cleaning my jump boots for tomorrow. I did that for a good 3 hours. It's funny how people think my boots are perfect, but I keep making it even more perfect like super shiny and stuff like that.

Ok, sorry to disappoint you guys, but I don't remember what I did Monday night since this is a late post that I haven't worked on. Just stay tuned though

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