Saturday, February 19, 2011

Snow time!

Today was the big day for the snowboarding event which I signed up for last week. I woke up early at about 5am. I picked up my reserved rental items. The bus left at 6 and arrived to our destination: Cortina at 9 am. It was a really nice slope. It had lots of areas to explore. It was a lot better than Paganella. There were a lot of routes to go around. I hung out with a couple 2nd platoon guys. They're really cool. We went everywhere around the place. The skiers outnumbered the snowboarders. We had a lot of ridiculous falls. But it was okay coz the snow was quite powdery and not so hard. It was also sunny outside which was really awesome because you know it's a good day to go boarding.

At lunch time we went to a restaurant on top of the slopes. It was really nice and quaint. We had trouble ordering food. What I did to ease that was type our orders on my phone so that the waitress could read what we wanted. She put in what we ordered and it was ready in 20 minutes. We ate lasagna and I ordered spinach after that. We got our bill. It was quite expensive. The restaurant wouldn't have us do separate checks which was ridiculous, so I decided to use my card. They agreed to pay me back later.

4x COPERTO         12.00(What this is if you don't know, is gratuity. they charged 4x out of 5 people)
4X COCA               12.00
2X SPRITE               6.00
TAGLILOLINI        11.00
4X LASAGNA        34.00
SPINACI                  4.50
TOTALE                 79.00

It was already 2pm when we left the restaurant, so we did a few more runs on the slopes.  We went back down to the buses after we got done skiing from the top slope. That last few meters of that slope had me fall
and roll around a little bit in the snow. The bus left at 5pm. We got back to Vicenza around 8pm. I returned all the rental stuff and got money back from the guys. The only sad thing that went on during the day was the fact that someone died from our brigade. A young soldier was imitating moves from "Assassin's Creed" a well known video game. He was jumping across rooftops in Verona, Italy. He fell four stories in the end. He will be missed

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